Over the last two weeks I was working on a new design for this website. The goal was to focus on the things that really count – the photos. Better access to the galleries, less text. Minimal style was the target.
all focuson photos
As much as I liked it, the old design was too heavy and text based. Now all photo galleries are immediately visible. The guiding text went to the right side. For those who are interested, all detailed information about the camera, film, location and year is also added there.
Due to changes on the technical side, some links changed and outdated. I did my best to set some neccessary redirects, but life is life and it might happen that I forgot one or two links. If you experience a site not to be found, please contact me. I appreciate all support.

Surf all photosby tag
You can surf through the galleries. But do you know that you can surf through my hughe photo database simply by tags? Each single picture is tagged! Just use the »BROWSE PHOTOS BY TAG« tag cloud at the bottom of the pages. Click on a tag and you will get a list of all photos with this tag.
I hope you enjoy the new design like I do. If you are experiencing any issues or have some suggestions for a better user experience, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
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